
《The Art of Dr. Tou》杜詠文個人畫展

發佈日期:2024/12/05 瀏覽次數:133
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《The Art of Dr. Tou》


作為一名專注於復健醫學的專科醫師,Dr. Tou 將臨床的所見所感化為創作靈感,用不受限制的藝術語言描繪醫療、療癒與生命的多元面向。


杜詠文,1982年出生於澳門。2007年畢業於台北醫學大學醫學系,後長期在醫療診所及醫院工作,現職復康科專科西醫。本來與藝術毫無關係,惟於新冠疫情期間開始嘗試創作,現為澳門美術協會會員、澳門創意空間 CREATIVE MACAU會員,曾參加以上兩會會員作品聯展。

    Isabel Tou was born in Macau in 1982. She graduated from the School of Medicine at Taipei Medical University of Taiwan in 2007 and later worked extensively in medical hospitals and clinics. She currently serves as a specialist doctor in the field of physical medicine and rehabilitation. Originally unrelated to art, she began exploring creative expression during the COVID-19 pandemic.

    Passionate about her medical profession, Isabel believes that medicine is the amalgamation of science and humanities. Through art, she conveys the inner emotions and perspectives on life and death that have developed through her clinical work. By utilizing an unbounded artistic expression, she aims to offer the audience diverse dimensions for imagining and contemplating life, medicine, and healing.

 ✦ 開幕式 ✦


 ✦ 展覽日期 ✦

2024/12/6 - 2024/12/30

 ✦ 地 點 ✦

澳門瘋堂十號創意園 A02
